Burnt Home Teardown

Burnt Home Teardown

Total Building Teardown in New Hampshire

When a home is severely damaged or destroyed by fire, the process of tearing it down becomes necessary.

The first step in a burnt home teardown involves assessing the extent of the fire damage and determining if any portions of the structure can be salvaged or repaired. If the damage is too severe or poses a safety risk, demolition becomes the only viable option. In this case, the foundation was the only thing salvageable.

The teardown process involved the removal of all damaged materials, including charred wood, melted metals, and any other hazardous or compromised elements. Our goal was to clear the site completely, leaving only the foundation for future construction.

While the teardown itself may be a difficult and emotional experience for the homeowners affected by the fire, it represents an important step towards recovery and rebuilding. It marks the transition from the devastation of the fire to the potential for new beginnings and the restoration of the home.

Below you can watch a video of the process.

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