Days Inn Teardown

Days Inn Teardown

Total Building Teardown in Kittery, Maine

This total building demolition for the Days Inn was a complex and carefully planned process that involved the complete dismantling and removal of the existing structure to make way for a new inn or renovation project. This project required planning, expertise, and a commitment to safety and environmental considerations.

Our demolition process begins with a thorough assessment of the building's structural makeup and a detailed demolition plan. Safety is of utmost importance, so precautions are taken to ensure the protection of nearby structures, utilities, and the surrounding environment.

Once preparations are complete, heavy machinery, such as excavators and cranes, is employed to dismantle the building. The demolition crew carefully removed each component, starting from the top and working their way down. Concrete, steel, wood, and other materials like a brick wall and a spiderweb of rebar one inch thick was sorted and transported to their appropriate facilities. In this case, we transported loads of materials by the truck load.

In the end, total building demolition for an inn is a necessary step in the revitalization and construction of a new hospitality establishment or other endeavor. This project was definitely one for the books.

Below you can see the photos taken by Leah's Lens Photography, who captured some great content for us.

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